Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Latest appointment

Mommy went to the doctor yesterday. Everything is fine, but I did give Mommy a little bit of anxiety for a few minutes. The doctor was trying to listen to my heartbeat and I thought it would be a good time to play hide and seek. I finally got still long enough for it to be heard, and everything is good. Mommy was given another round of antibiotics. She has a sinus infection that was bordering on becoming bronchitis. She took a round of antibiotics a couple of weeks ago. They helped, but didn't knock out all of the infection. So hopefully this round will do its magic and get rid of all the yucky stuff so Mommy can stop coughing and get some sleep at night.

Nana & Papa came over and got my room painted the day after Thanksgiving. There are a couple of places that need to be touched up and then they can start getting furniture moved in and set up. Mommy can't wait to get all the cute stuff put up. She's gonna take some pictures as she goes along and share them here.

That's all my update for now.