Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We lost two weeks!

Mommy went to see the ultrasound lady and the doctor today. The ultrasound showed that I'm pretty cramped up without a lot of room to move. (Like Mommy didn't realize that already!!) After he looked at the measurements, Mommy's doctor not only decided to move her due date, but he also decided to schedule a c section. My birthday will be March 20, the first day of Spring, 2009! Mommy's excited, but also a little panicked. She thought she had 6 more weeks to get ready for me, but with the doctor scheduling my birthday, she now only has 4 weeks left! Daddy's leave isn't supposed to start until a few days after my birthday. They talked about it, and even though they both want him there, they will leave it as it is. That way, Daddy won't have to sit around the hospital for 3 or 4 days, and we can spend all of the time of his leave together at home, as a family. Mommy promised Daddy that TONS of pictures will be taken in the few days before he is able to be there. (Though I am pretty sure that was gonna happen regardless.) Mommy's friends and family will be giving her a baby shower this weekend, so after that she'll be able to see what still needs to be bought to get ready for me. The carpet in my room was cleaned today, and the rest of the house will be done later, so that's one thing Mommy can mark off of her "to do" list. I think she's kind of wishing for a fairy godmother to come in with a wand and "poof" the other things done, but I don't see that happening. Mommy added a countdown to the top of my page, so you can keep track of how much longer until I make my grand debut if you want.